Friday, May 29, 2009

Finally Fucking Friday

And it's about 0 deg. right now. ARGHH

Went to the comedy night yesterday and was pleasantly surprised. As usual, Tristin was a standout but the newbie to the scene really brought it, and I was very impressed. I won't write too much on it (cuz you'll have to read my article later! haha!) but the night involved making obscene comments regarding a poor battered gold pan and bashing tourists. A pair of Japanese girls left after the 'shorro' comment...yeah...oh and probably after the 'Japanese like concieving under the Northern Lights' comment too... There's an art show at Arts Underground tonight, opens at 5pm--I'd go, hell it's free food & free culture. Win-win!

As for that change I've been desperately hoping for? Yet to come. Why is it that bad things seem to rush you, take you unaware and mercilessly destroy you, when good things take their time, don't show up, or disappoint you again.

Oh, the tyranny of life!


  1. There's no tyranny. Just ask your local alcoholic, we all make choices, good and bad.

  2. I am making choices, the people who need to facilitate them are NOT making the right choices!

  3. Since when will an alcoholic be straight with you?

  4. since...since... since they started serving booze on the Sabbath. It's serious stuff.
