Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Don't let me down

An homage to The Dears latest album (or at least I think it was their latest, I got it last winter about this time, and one song in particular resonates with how things were going at this time--I was struggling, job-wise, and had a seriously ill piggie)

This song, by the way, is Crisis 1 & 2, if that shows it's significance at all.

As the snow is now whipping with a blinding ferocity, I think about the things I'm grateful for, not just my burgeoning dark-induced insanity. I am in the process of cultivating a new friendship, and just had a dinner with so much wonderful conversation it amazed me. I love it, and I love how I build rapport with people seemingly easily. Why does it seem that old friends are harder to maintain than new ones?

As I left work, I passed by a coworker who said 'Bye Susan' and passed by someone else who again recognized me and said Hi!--I'm thinking, in another city would I run into people who know me so easily? It's interesting. I mostly hate the small-town stuff, but when people recognize you and welcome you, it's kind of a good thing.

The tricky thing with friends, is making them. Who reaches out first, most? Whoever reciprocates the most=friends? It's a tricky formula. I only extend the olive branch if I feel a certain kinship, and then if I sense it, I am hesitant to make the first move... It's like going on a date without all that weird sexual electricity.

This friendship seemed to come about organically. She made the first move, I made the second, and then she inferred a later meeting--so, nobody is on unequal ground. I think it's really cool, and I'm super glad I am in the right mindset to be free to meet and join minds~

The thing about friends, is that they absolutely do need to be maintained. Bad friends are ones who let your compassion and loyalty fall by the wayside. Good friends reach out, like you will reach out, and meet you in the middle. Bad friends know they can rely on you always, and you know you can never rely on them.

I think that's why I'm extra glad that I can still attract like-minded people, and I appreciate that we seem to be on the same wavelength regarding who takes the next steps. It's an investment that always pays off what you put into it, if everyone's on the same level. Relationships require work, so why wouldn't friend relationships? (not that much work though, they are supposed to be fun!)

Monday, November 9, 2009

i hold your heart (i hold it in my heart)

A little ee cummings, anyone?

I was rather shocked to find that he was a man. He has the most romantic and ridiculous love poetry around, and his use of symbols is unparalelled.

"Loving you is just enough, 'cuz nobody cares a fuck about us," Aaron & Maria- American Analog Set

I just watched the teeny-bopper movie 'Twilight' and horror of horrors, I liked it. Maybe it was because my 'other' is away for an extended period of time, but darn that douchebag actor was looking in fine form. It made me ponder desire, the sensuality of the lead-up versus going straight for the action. Do we really want to see it? Twilight is all about the lead up, all show and no play. The smouldering tension is really what drives the film, and the overall plot. There is definitely some sexual aggression, but it's couched in terms of vampire-human relationships, rather than boy-girl. Does that make it easier? I think we still see it on our terms, rather than hunter-prey terms...Understated violence, losing control and surrendering to our base instincts, our senses has always been the pinnacle of ultimate desire.

Not sure if I'll watch the next Twilight installment, but I enjoyed this romp. Not a obsessed fan, but perhaps a bit more understanding of the swooning tweens.

We're Computerizing and We Just Don't Need You Anymore

Lately, there have been many things going on.

Flu clinics are winding down, the imminent threat of a zoological flu wiping out the human population has been averted, at least for now, Halloween has gone by and we're facing Rememberance Day.

The time change went off without a hitch, except for my pending insanity due to the extreme cold and dark. Vampire weather, I calls it.

If I answer the door with a butcher knife, no, I wasn't 'just cooking' no matter what I say.

I am preparing embark on a scholarly adventure, which I am very much looking forward to possibly just because I get to visit the exotic locale of Victoria BC and leave this place. Oh, and I like school, maybe the prestige associated with it, but I like it just the same.

I am also helping a friend lighten her wallet buying one of those 'iPod' things. She is rather techie-unaware and somehow gained the assumption that I am. Not. Oh well, enabling is something I can definitely do.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween Hijinks

Hope everyone had a fabulous Hallowe'en! Mine was pretty great actually...

Guildhall for comedy night, followed by an a dance eerily reminiscent of middle-school gymnasium dances--lame music, balloons and streamers, and nobody dancing! That was a bit on the downer side, so we decided to pump things up and go to a houseparty guaranteed to be 'crazy.'

When we got there I pretty much decided it was not my scene--hideous death metal was bashing out of the stereo, meathead-ish jocks were chest pumping and looking scary and in general not my deal. Things did improve though, I got the grand introduction to everyone and things started loosening up. They also started playing good music on the stereo. I danced with Kermit the Frog, who was apparently a creepy individual (thanks!~) and then had to deflect a few others looking to dance as well. I had a sneaking suspicion that the rather drunk Lotharios were confusing me with the other 'princess' at the party--please note my costume was not a princess, it was a fairy. A butterfly fairy. Way different!

And since when did 'No thanks, I am married' become a come-on? Ha. Weird.

There were the usual party randomness...dancing, watching the showgirl's indecently-high slit in her red sequin dress get displaced and start showing us more than just hip...

We fled the party, literally, when it became clear someone was having a drug-induced freakout *in* the front door, effectively blocking it. That was when everyone wanted to leave right now and mass panic ensued. We also wanted to leave, but we waited it out and stormed out like troopers. Others were apparently trying to get in, and it was just madness. We made it out, ran down the street and met up with brother of friend. Chatted for a bit, then friend of brother phoned for a ride (please note it is very cold now. It was at least -9 on Halloween). So off we go to drive over and pick him up, and I'm the only sober one so guess who gets to drive! Yes, me!

We struggled with some issues; I couldn't reach the pedals, the wipers were going bananas, no back wipers, lights...
Got it sorted and off we go~ We catch the friend running frantically up and down by the library, I pull a U-turn and he hops in. He's freezing and very appreciative, and it's a good time to tell him we're hijacking his car to drive us home. He understands.

I drive myself and friend home and it's nighty-night at 4am. Good Halloween!