Thursday, January 28, 2010

Dove Chocolate=Sexist?

A dear coworker gifted me with a box of semi-dark Dove caramel chocolates the other day. They are divine. Wonderful. Delicious! Ah...

They also contain the most ridiculous 'pandering to teh wimminz' messages in their lovely caramel and gold foil wrappers. Women like chocolate. That is more or less true. Accepting that, I also happen to know a lot of men who like chocolate. And a lot of men who wouldn't really appreciate opening up a box of Dove and reading ''buy yourself flowers.'' Do you know these men?

The messages are patently retarded. A few examples; "buy expensive shampoo'' "get a new haircut" "re-read old letters"


No thank you Dove. I hate it when badvertising gets it sooo horribly wrong. I hate washing my hair, I find it boring. I don't own old letters, so can't re-read them. I don't like flowers that much and like hell would I ever buy them for myself (sidenote-they are pretty, and I don't begrudge anyone who likes to perk up their day. Not my cup of tea though) and what also bugs me is the consumerist attitude of these little chocolates. Buy buy buy buy buy buy...Wait, that's what women do right?

Tired of being boxed into a ridiculous category of 'shop/appearence/helpless/feminine' chocolates.

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