Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Places to visit

Or, not visit.

I am planning a trip to Anchorage, AK. (Well when I say 'I' am planning, I really mean someone else is planning and I am going to come along...)

Apparently it is quite the booming metropolis, which surprised the heck out of me. I always pictured Whitehorse as being the last place on a map. Past that, and all that exists are sea monsters and a great whiteness 'the nothing' or a place the langoliers ate. Basically, I always felt like Whitehorse was the last frontier and the world pretty much ends here. I can't help it, haha, I always feel rather isolated. Does anyone else think of the movie Insomnia when they think about Alaska?

Anyways, Anchorage has a population of about 300,000 people, tons of hostels and fast food restaurants, and the best part? A roving moose population that wander people's suburban landscapes like tame bulls escaped from a farm. Scary but kind of neat too. Also, the primary grazing for a typical Anchoragian person is a diner. Rough Guides tells us that, and they also mention that the coffee at a 'diner' is terrible. Hmm.

The downside is that it is about a 12-14 hr drive from Whitehorse, and there are not really any flights that service Whitehorse>surrounding areas. Bummer!
So, this Easter I am not going to Vancouver or some exotic locale like that, but I am making an effort to get the hell out. Fingers crossed it goes as plans!!

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