Tuesday, December 1, 2009


I have been on a bit of a hiatus, due to a bigtime change of scenery. I am now in my beloved homeland, the balmy waters of Victoria. Also going to school. Not so beloved, but very interesting and challenging.

With school comes an interesting mix of the overachievers (and don't get me wrong, that can be stimulating, but they are ALL keeners) and like me, the people who are on the fringes just soaking it all up. It's great, and very cool to be back in the nerd environment again, with nerds. Which brings me to the trainwreck point of this-- due to immersion in crazy-intense theory, I have now coined a term of my very own, which can be used in a communications theory, I'm thinking something like semiotics, but hey, whatever works best for you/.

I have invented 'railroad talkers' those lovely people who just. don't. know. when. to. shut. up. !!! I have now run into at least two confirmed, but I know more are lurking in the murky realm of academia. They go on and on and on and on and on and you're starting to ...walk away...and they...follow you into the...hallway; to continue their point. And it's never your point. It's theirs. And don't you forget it....down the hallway...into the washroom...

As a fellow conversationist, and I like to think of myself as a witty one, I just can't stand it! I hate getting 'railroaded' over by these lousy talkers. Great thinkers, yes they may be for sure, but would it kill you to put a sock in it? How are you still breathing? Heaven forbid someone get a word in edgeways--just keep going, chuggin' along, they think you'll give up soon enough and can steam away full speed ahead!

I accidentally started a conversation with one I didn't know was a railroad talker. One simple question by me: Why this program? And fuck. I avoided this person for the rest of the freaking night. I was also able to witness a hilarious moment- the trainwreck! When two railroad talkers clash!! Oh, the drama!

They can't stand each other. Also bitch about how they just can't get a word in edgeways, and man, doesn't that person just talk so much? It's crazy! (And they are JUST as guilty. ha ha)
How "interesting" and yes, ironical use of quotations.

Be aware, dear people, if your conversation is going nowhere fast, stop. Just wrap it up. People love concise, witty and to the point. Good rule--if it's very personal, intimate or details about your day that nobody gives a shit, then nobody gives a shit. Don't!
(For significant others, this does not apply. Bore away~)

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