Monday, July 13, 2009


I apologize for the lengthy absence in my blogging on the comings-and-goings of this silly little town of Whitehorse.

In the mere space of a few weeks, I have: gotten married, given notice at my current employment, ridden in a schooling show, watched the Lippizzaner show, gotten a rabbit, gotten into graduate school, decided to move AWAY from Whitehorse, my birthday (24 baby!)coming up, and a horse show. Whoa.

In short, it's been absolutely crazy. Most of these things have been positive, life-changing events (a bunny? Now that's for life, people!) and you know, I really felt like these changes are/were super important and very needed after a long, stagnant winter of my discontent.

We are moving from Whitehorse. I took stock of my current situation many times, often on this very blog, and it always came up short. True the commute is to die for, I have friends and horsey friends, but it's just...lacking. Well that's life. I'm young, my husband is young, and we have all our lives to make mistakes! (or good moves, still working on that one)

This blog might cease to exist when I no longer have the strange idiosyncracies to rant about, or lament on the lack of shopping, or how it takes forever to get to a town smaller than this...oh who knows!

Life is defintely an adventure and I don't think I wasted my time here.

I just have too many dreams, adventures, needs, wants, wishes and desires to stay stuck in a going-nowhere town for me. It's beautiful in a harsh way, and fun in a monotonous way. Oh yeah, and job dissatisfaction plays a huge part in it.

Time to get out, and I don't wish it any ill-will.

Ps. The wedding went awesome! I can't wait to attend another wedding as a friend, instead of my own. I wouldn't really recommend attending your first wedding as your own.

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