Thursday, April 15, 2010

Involuntary Celibacy Club (ICC)

My friends and I have joined together to create a new club--it's the Involuntary Celibacy Club (ICC) for short. Care to join? We meet on Sundays around 5:30, watch Glee and eat tacos.

Why involuntary? Well, we're all celibate for various reasons of our own accord--myself because of a long distance marriage, friends due to a serious lack of decent looking & behaving males in the Yukon territory.

A friend questioned why I was in the ICC if I was already married. I was ready for that one. "Jesus doesn't judge!"

Membership is booming. We are up to three members, including myself. If we gain any more, we might have to start getting choosy...

1 comment:

  1. Can anyone join? (though I am considering going voluntarily celibate). I have my own blog concerned with celibacy:
