Thursday, October 22, 2009

So, not a ghost but...

I spent the majority of that evening with an irrational sense of paranoia. I couldn't find my lunch, and then when I couldn't find juice for a smoothie, and no sign of the juice container everywhere, that was it!

Clearly there was a thief who stole lunches and half-full bottles of cranberry juice. I flew through my house checking all the windows, locks and rolling down the blinds. Armed with my fussy dwarf rabbit and an ancient tennis raquet, I crept downstairs to confront my lunch and juice thief. Nobody there. I checked the windows just to be sure.

I puzzled and puzzled over the mystery juice until I decided to go for the smoothie anyways, pulled open the freezer and found the juice in the freezer. Evidently in a brain fog of some sort I had misplaced it into the freezer and forgot all about it... And funnily enough, I guess Wednesday was an extreme brainlessness day, because today I even found my missing lunch--in the work fridge. I had put it in there in the morning, and then forgot where I put it! Jesus.

Somebody tape my head to my shoulders, because it is in real danger of falling off and then where would I be?

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