Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Ghosts ate my lunch. Yes one of 'those' days

Ok, we have made 'progress' sort of. Blogger is acting like a fucking idiot and won't let me compose anything, like I need this shit on this kind of day of all days.

Ides of Fall? Seems like it.

Today I packed a lunch, wasn't a great lunch but it was there to eat. I made sure I packed it carefully in my bag as I noticed the tupperware lid was loose, and didn't want potatoes and veggies spilling into my bag. Get to work, take lunch out of bag and notice tupperware isn't in there. Think to myself, 'probably fell out of bag in car' and think no more of it until lunchtime. I go to my car, figure I will drive to the bookstore, search car for tupperware, buy books, then go back to work and microwave lunch.

Several hitches to this plan:

While searching for tupperware, I took my keys out of the ignition and left them on the passenger seat. I did not actually find my tupperware lunch. I failed to notice the keys on the seat, locked the doors and proceeded to buy books.

Go back to car to find keys on seat, doors locked. Run back to bookstore, shriek my anguish about leaving keys in car during lunch time from work, lovely good samaritan drives me to my house, waits for me to find spare house key and then find spare car key (thank you husband who knew this would happen one day) and then drives me back to my car. Phew, disaster averted!

I go back to work, still without lunch, and have to rush and buy lunch (Quiznos, could be worse!). Work blah blah blah, come home and expect to see tupperware sitting happily next to couch like nothing ever happened. But there's no tupperware. In fact, it isn't anywhere. Cue spooky music...

Clearly ghosts ate my lunch. I am exhausted from a temporary new position at work, car issues, started school, husband is gone for the forseeable future...ENOUGH!!!!!!

Oh and blogger decides to have a total shit fit and not work worth anything, adding to my feeling of insanity that is building. Today is not a day to accomplish anything, read school notes, nothing. I have to take a step back...

stepping back...

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