Monday, January 26, 2009

Sunday is a day of rest

So why is the Art Gallery open then?

Even big chain stores (well, The Brick) are closed on Sunday. Buses don't run, the liquor store is closed and everyone sleeps in.
Oddly, the Yukon Art Gallery remains open, a staunch refusal to obey the laws of sleep-gravity and remain open, even though the public is definitely not going on Sunday, of all days.
Why, even Doc's Diner is closed on Sunday! And they are a breakfast-specialising kind of place. You would think Sunday is their breakfast bonanza, the place to be for brunch! Apparently Coaster's Bistro is trying that claim to fame. Maybe they are open Sundays.
Nope, not in the sleepy-Sunday town of Whitehorse. I have a feeling it is because everyone is sleeping off their hangovers, and then going to the pool in the evening to sit in the hot tub. Or maybe that's just me!

Anyways, I think to give our dear curator friends at the YAG (Yukon Art Gallery) a break, Sundays should close up shop.
There's always a Monday around the corner...


  1. Hey, I'm pretty sure Doc's IS open on Sundays.

  2. Thanks, they weren't around 3pm last time I looked, but hey maybe the are the Kings of Breakfast still!
