While March Madness is taking hold of everyone's collective brains and turning them into infuriating, irritating and paranoid mush, I will take a moment to remind you that you can escape.
Air North departing Vancouver
Vancouver direct to Whitehorse from $339*
Includes round-trip airfare & 2 nights accommodation
For travel between January 16 – May 11 departing Friday/Saturday, returning on Sunday/Monday
All flights booked in Economy "Y" Class
3-day advance booking required
Vancouver direct to Whitehorse from $339*
Includes round-trip airfare & 2 nights accommodation
For travel between January 16 – May 11 departing Friday/Saturday, returning on Sunday/Monday
All flights booked in Economy "Y" Class
3-day advance booking required
Sounds pretty sweet. I am seriously considering an April getaway...but April seems so far away.
But there is hope. You too can escape the mind-numbing craziness that is apparently taking hostage of everyone. And you should support Air North. That is a quality airline that makes Air Canada look like they aren't taking paying customers, they are holding everyone hostage in the air.
Yay, escape!