Is what I wish almost everyone in Whitehorse would say. Or do. Or both.
Citizens of this snowy city are notoriously unreliable. Sure they will happily house-sit, walk your dog and come to interviews, but on a casual basis? You're lucky if they will call once a month!
Case in point, not social but similar: Acquaintances of mine are renting a suite with some strings attached. Not ugly or mould-infested like so many slumlords here, but some quirks that you have to be comfortable with, ie- sharing. Not expensive, fairly new and nice.
Enter the range of clown-car failures that either call, desperate to find a place, make an appointment and never show up, or call, or are ever heard from again. Now, if this happened once, well that's life. Twice, and wow people are getting pretty ballsy...three times? Reaching ridiculous heights. No wonder landlords are so insane.
Not to mention the couple that arrive, obviously newcomers with accents, and expect the sun and the moon for what they pay. No, sorry, you can't have an extra room on top of a suite. Would you like to pay a mortgage, and zowie, get all the trimmings?!
Get a life, people. Get reliable. Stop fucking the collective 'us' over.
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