I am being taken advantage of. By Northwestel.
Northwestel is our necessary evil, the sneaking underbelly of communicating in Whitehorse. They provide us with phone, cable and internet services. Everything you desire, although they take their own pound of flesh from you.
Basic internet costs ...ooh, $59.99 for shitty service that frequently cuts out, particularly during our many power outages. For the priviledge of paying, we also get capped at 10 gig. If you go over, and if you dare download anything, you will, you will get, as I mentioned before so colourfully, "fucked in half." To make matters worse, they have an ass-stupid way of billing. They bill anticipatory, which means they bill you a month ahead of time. This makes it WAY harder to figure out when you're getting screwed in the dark. Oh, but they calculate going over your measly 10gig. limit a month later. Are we having fun yet?
So, we went over our pinchingly small limit of internet in December mysteriously, even though I was away on holidays, the roommates were away for a month, and only one person remained. HOW? may I ask? We haven't downloaded anything, not so much as a bought-song off iTunes.
Doesn't matter. We had to pay $137.00 that month extra. Oh, and in January we went over also, so, hands come out for another $95.00. Ever notice how, when you go over the internet, it's never a small amount? Oh no, while they're screwing you they've got their hands in your back pockets.
We've been seeing bills of $300-400. Every.Month.
Also, word to the wise: our dear neighbours must have been stealing our signal, as we *had* an unsecured wireless network to handle our laptops. Note the word, *had*. Take that, you fuckers!
By the way, we don't even have cable. That is just inviting them to walk into your house and stomp on your wallet. And when I call them to get all righteous and raging, they are just too nice to get mad at. Can't win!
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