The job market appears healthy here if you are interested in being a grocery clerk, bartender, room attendant or server. If you want a entry-level educated position, get down on those beggin' knees because that's all you'll be doing. A little story here, an anecdote to entertain the masses...
A friend left the South to move to Whitehorse and occupied a position at the local radio station, not a great position but it paid the bills and provided a little smidge of that prestige not many of us get to sniff at. One day came when he was notified that his position would be cut in hours. Not only did people 'hate' to hear this persons voice on the air, but apparently his presence in office wasn't much needed either. So from 40 and a show demoted to 30 and no on-air. Ouch. Nothing personal, you understand.
A week goes by with the new arrangement, then on the eve of the carousing known as Rendezvous, a great celebration to be had by all, he was notified that his position had become redundant, effective immediately. Empty the desk and here are your walking papers.
Double ouch.
Life goes on, jobs come and jobs go. My friend begins job hunting, and haunts the previous job board that landed the radio station position. There, to his dismay, is the former job. The one that was 'made redudant' and 'no longer existed at the company'. Suure. And I have a pretty sweet ass piece of Mars to sell you too!
Triple ouch.
A lesson from this? Job security no longer exists, and loyalty seems to be more of an 'honour among thieves' proposition. Don't move here expecting Whitehorse to be the land of milk and honey, job-speaking. You may just get royally screwed in a winter of unrest (recession).
Move for a job if your current prospects are grim, and you are looking for adventure. But be careful, oh I can't stress that enough. Nothing is guaranteed, and boy you might just luck out, or you might end up working at Shoppers' in Whitehorse, wondering how the hell you ended up here.
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