Whitehorse has a decent selection of drinking holes. Only one, to my recollection, may be referred to as an actual 'hole'.
That would be the illustrious '98. Drunks yelling at each other at 2pm on Monday afternoon, bums laying on the doorstep, pretty much business as usual at the '98. Interestingly, they have actual advertisements in newspapers, suggesting they have quiet and cheap rooms. I seriously doubt it.
Next to the '98 is Flippers. We went for a drink there and it is tiny. Rectangular and long, it has a kind of East-Coast down-and-out sea shanty theme. They don't accept anything but cash, and when we had none, they recommended we use the bank machine 'next door'...which was inside the '98. NO thanks. We left. Apparently to our loss, as they have a real 'gritty vibe'. Eh.
Moving up and onwards...Town and Mountain have a very nice martini bar that I fear will go bankrupt within the year. Nobody here is that classy. Also, the servers were wearing ridiculous fake-fur boots. She looked like a hooker wearing paws of a polar bear.sigh
They also have a bar, Lizards that nobody goes to. We went and had a great time in the summer, and I went back in the fall for a drink with a friend, where we encountered a rather too-friendly First Nations guy, who proceeded to tell us the worst moment of his life was when he buried his brother. Ugh.
Coasters is the bar everyone goes to. Classy, trashy and everyone in between. I have had good times there and bad. Very typical bar, overpriced drinks and absolutely no good looking guys. None. They are a rare species up here to begin with, and if you see one, take a picture because no-one will believe you. Woo...
There is also Earl's. Hahah.
It's not called Lizards any more. Just Town and Mountain. And don't forget the Gold Rush!