Thank the gods!
The Whitehorse Public Library is not fancy to look at. It is drab and boring and very governmental (attached to a Federal building) and kind of greenish-dark.
What it lacks in looks, it makes up in books!
Good selection of paperbacks, fiction only--the nonfiction paperbacks are hilarious and lame (Living Pesticide-Free in the '70's!) but who reads nonfiction paperbacks, one exception being 'Steal This Book!'
Hardcovers abound and they are plentiful. Pretty much any subject is well represented, if a little mislabeled. I found David Sedaris under fiction. He is not fiction, never has been. Ha, oh well.
I picked out a good representation of soap-making books, only one of which looked like it was from 1960, the others were pretty slick.
One librarian I see frequently is rather troll-like. I do see her often, and yet I have never actually seen her walk. That's right, she wheels everywhere on her office chair. From the front desk, back to the movies, to the front desk again.
She is bulgy and overweight and wears stretch pants that may or may not be stained. I am pretty sure she can walk too, no wheelchair or walker in sight.
Magazines are decent but selection rather limited. The movies are very good, so far I have 'rented' Pan's Labryinth, See No Evil, The Bone Collector and a whole bunch others, can't quite recall. Very good selection!
I would almost say, despite cramming paperbacks in so they aren't remotely organized by author, this library rocks.
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