We have in spades.
McDonald's? Check
Timmies? Two!
Starbucks? Two!
Subway? Two!
Quiznos? Check
A&W? Check
KFC? Check
The only ones I think we are missing...Dairy Queen and Wendy's.
Harvey's nobody misses.
Also, not sure if Pizza Hut (almost wrote Hug) counts, but we do have that too. I think that could go in a separate 'pizza' section, because this town has pizza joints all over.
Word is, the Dairy Queen went out of business and is now a Dairy-Queen-looking building that houses the shabby, neglected CAIRS association. Too bad.
Prices up here for fast food definitely varies. A Tim Horton's cookie is $1.03 here, whereas in the South a cookie is under $1.00, more like $.69. Also, a sundae from McDonalds is over $1.00, think $1.69, compared with a sundae in Wenatchee, which is a buck. Darn.
There is the age-old Subway vs. Quizno's debate, which I think is silly. The only reason Subway *might* edge out Quizno's in this town is because Quizno's has the shittiest location of all of them- near Lister's motorsports (don't get me started) and the abandoned Canadian Tire, complete with drunks stumbling around clutching brown paper bags of Listerine. Not a fine dining experience.
Subway, in comparison, is downtown and in the mall next to Employment Central. Very 'central' if I might say. But Quizno's is far superior to that microwaved shit Subway calls sandwiches.
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