On the radio, that is.
There are a couple options here. We're not talking like Sirius or anything good you have to pay for, but honest, small towney radio stations. There are the usual suspects- CBC radio. I enjoy their national programming but their local stuff is incredibly boring (like reading CBC News North or watching it on TV, there just isn't anything there!)
CKRW is another locally broadcast that attempts to fill the void of classic rock mixed with, ooh edgy, Katy Perry. It has the most advertising, and therefore falls into bed with every citizen of Whitehorse wishing to advertise and pay for the pleasure. This can also lead to extreme self-censoring if you happen to be an employee of CKRW and have unpleasant business dealings with a potential or current advertiser. Typical of any station "selling" themselves, they are suffering in this economic downturn.
CHON-FM the local first nations station. Good news coverage and some interesting music programming. Something I enjoy, they attend just as many news events as CKRW. Good for you, CHON-FM.
In short, if you are looking for 'The Beat' or any rap oriented station, best go the Sirius route. And I hear they filed for bankruptcy. Hmmmm...
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