Where else can you celebrate being a tough old sourdough, or a freshly risen cheechako (still have no clue what that word means). Being a sourdough means you have lived here long enough to culture risen dough in your pants...so about 25 years. Sorry, count me out! Is there one for people who plan on moving soon? Hahah.
Whitehorse Rendezvous is a celebration of sorts, originally to herald the coming thaw season. Now it's just to prevent everyone from going psychotic on each other due to long winters and frozen temps. Much frivolity is to be had by all.
Wife carrying, log tossing, flour carrying, axe tossing...yep, all them newfangled tricks!
Also, a beard-growing and ladies leg-hair growing contest. An aside: the descriptions for the contests tout men's beards as 'manly, burly, wonderful, masculine' whereas the women's leg-hair is simply 'horrifying'. Yeah, well I don't consider it horrifying and I'm not exactly a dirty hippie either. I hate facial hair on men, why isn't that considered as horrifying as leg hair on women? *gasp* she hasn't shaved?? Oh call out the guards!!!
But it should be fun anyways. Pretty much everyone gets Friday off, thank the gods!
Also there is snow-sculpturing going on in the park, which is not as cool as ice sculptures, but pretty neat anyways.
Enjoy your rendezvous!
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