Everything is indeed more expensive in Whitehorse. Electricity, home-heating, gas, food, restaurants, pet supplies, you name it, we pay more for it.
But never in my life have I been in a town that has so many awesome opportunities to indulge in free food! And I'm talking good stuff, like wine, deli meats, pineapple, appetizers, good cheese, chocolate, nuts, oh everything!
These opportunities for free food usually present themselves in 2 ways: Art gallery openings or grand openings/open houses. Open houses tend to be a bit more frugal in the food giveaways, normally consisting of Timmies coffee and doughnuts, but we attended a glorious opening of Coast Mountain Sports that had wine, Lindor chocolate, cheese and all the snacks you could possibly hope for.
Gallery openings range from the deli-meat, cheese and fruit platters to extravagant and wonderful platters of oriental snacks from the Chocolate Claim, berries, Moroccan food...
So I say, attend all you can, soak up the culture and enjoy that free food! Nothing in life is free...except this!
Yay free!