Bit of a lament here. Whitehorse has no fall fair, and no rodeos. No schooling shows either. It really bums me out, as last weekend was the Cobble Hill fair in Cobble Hill, the Saanich fall fair is coming up, and I miss them so much!
The Cobble Hill fair is a really cute tiny fair, complete with dogs herding ducks over little bridges, a horse show, 'largest vegetable' awards and baked goods and handicraft competitions. It is very tiny, but so worth going. When I was there, they had a miniature horse in-hand class where the handlers had to run the minis around traffic cones and one mini got super excited and ran off with his handler, pulling her to the ground. She was ok but man, those suckers are strong!
The Saanich fall fair is big, has a midway and everything. They have a fabulous rabbit/livestock competition and a horse show that is very well attended. They even have draft horse pulling competitions as well as carriage/trap competitions. It's fantastic! I didn't even go to the midway last time I was there, I was so caught up in the other events--they have a beer/wine category under handicrafts too, and there are a ton of entries in the 'vegetables/produce' categories, as well as baked goods.
My friends are going to the Alaska fall fair in Palmer, AK. It's about 45mins-1hr outside Anchorage and around 13 hours away from Whitehorse. I am so envious! It sounds like a blast, and I do miss those lovely fall fairs...
I think the cobble hill fair is this weekend actually. but good points, way to bring in fall with a frown whitehorse