I've been absolutely run off my feet these last couple days, not just with work but with my personal life. Writing, friends, horseback riding, working out, work...Boy does that add up!
To tell the truth though, I am at my most creative, most interesting when I am that busy. When I don't know what to do at night, my zest for life starts waning and I sit on the couch and read. That's not to be confused with relaxing on the back deck with a beer or three and reading Practical Horseman after a rough day at work. It's odd, isn't it, how productive relaxation is so much more fulfilling than aimless 'relaxation'. It's that, what am I going to do with myself that can be absolutely soul-destroying. I think that's why I had such a tough time with myself this past winter.
Moral of the story? Be busy and stay busy, and then have productive relaxation periods where nobody is allowed to talk to you when you're having a drink and reading in the sun... Or pick up a great, all-consuming hobby that costs a lot, trust me that will always keep you on your toes.
Oh, and for the winter? Start building your defenses, as a friend of mine mentioned the other day. And get a SAD lamp.
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