Had an open house last weekend, and therefore free bus tours~
Like the vultures we are (well, animal lovers on a budget) my partner and I decided to cruise on by and check out the Preserve. Normally, the tours cost $22 for a bus tour per person, and $15/person for a walking tour. Fairly pricey!
Bus tours last 45mins-1hr and walking tours are 1.5 hrs-2 hrs depending on how slow you can crawl.
The critters were absolutely delightful. Elk, baby mule deer (twins!!!) caribou, lots of random ground squirrels running amok, mountain goats, 2 moose, musk oxen with terrible tempers, bison and thinhorn sheep.
Babies were out in full force and I loooove them. The baby mule deers were so tiny they had trouble standing, and when the tour guide was asked how old they were, he said, " well they weren't here yesterday!" OMG!! squee!!
The only thing that sucked was that human babies were also out in full force, ignoring the cute animals and squalling in only that really annoying way that makes you hate them. We got to hop out of the bus and heft animal antlers and horns, which are very heavy, surprisingly so. I wanted to drop the moose rack on a particularly horrid baby. HA.
Great tour for free! I guess if you pay, you do it once and do it in the summer so you can check out the babies...or just wait until Open House weekend.
Not quite as cool as Quebec's Parc Omega, where you can feed the animals and they expect it and roam to your car, but for the Yukon? I'll take it.
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