Friday, June 5, 2009

You are not "The President"

What you do during a regular day does not normally impact thousands, if not millions of people.

What you are quoted on in the newspaper does not destroy or shatter your reputation, or cause incredible concern. (Unless you really are someone of Incredible Importance and therefore should have some proper media training)

Which begs the ultimate question: As a casual journalist...

Why is everyone SO paranoid about being featured in a fun, fluffy piece about music or parties? It's not like I am saying they swore and made racially incorrect comments about a dancer, it's just for fun and not a direct quote for the most part. I really hate this overwhelming paranoia--it's a teeny paper, not THE NEW YORK TIMES *gasp* *faint*

Seriously, I get people I know quaking in their shoes that 'I MIGHT' quote them on one thing, one time, ever, that they ever said, maybe, one day, possibly, ever!!"

And panicking and freaking out and worried and asking me to never quote them ever because they are worried about their reputation and who knows who might read that you liked the band..oh my!

The paper in reference is a miniscule paper in a miniscule town of no real importance. I feel that your reputation must really be on shaky legs if you are having such a difficult time even talking or being 'seen' with a reporter once in your life.

So, for the hard-of-reading, journalists and writers are not the devil. We, as moral, regular people, do not intentionally misquote, take quotes and statements out of context and do not try to trip people up.

You know who trips you up? YOU do. You say stupid things to a journalist, during an interview, and you can't quite seem to reconcile the dummy things you said to what is written. Journalists rarely ever quote verbatim, to protect their subjects. That is a kindness, not a right. We never set out to destroy your precious 'reputation' we merely want a good story with some interesting quotes.

You do not hold the keys to Ft. Knox and are a Premier at the Ministry of Truths, so give me a fucking break.

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