And now I have a little story about 'psychic coincidences' that happened to me yesterday. I have just started taking the bus to and from work, as my dear partner ran off with my car to the heathen backwaters of Ross River.
I have a shortcut I take, and I have so far taken it 3 times. I also pack my gym bag to and from work in case I have time to workout at lunch, and the bag contains socks, shorts and a workout tank top.
Yesterday on my way to work I noticed a pair of my socks resting in a heap on the shortcut by the side of the road. Hmm, they must have fallen out of my gym bag on my way home yesterday, I thought to myself. I grabbed them up and stuffed them in my bag, and had a funny story to tell the co-irkers about my wandering socks. After all, I am the person who has their underwear fall out of their laundry basket onto the lobby of my residence building, not notice, and have everyone go through the day seeing pink panties draped on the floor.
I didn't think anything more of my socks until I came home and discovered my gym socks were still in my gym bag. At home! They had never fallen out! Also, these are no ordinary socks--I have a collection bizarre socks, and these particular ones are blue fuzzy ones with pink and yellow argyle. Definitely unusual. Nobody else would have these socks, trust me.
So now I am the owner of two pairs of blue fuzzy argyle socks, one of which providence found fit to gift me with, though dirty, by the side of the road.
I think the cosmos is trying to tell me something. Those socks, on that day, at that time, that look exactly like my gym socks. Psychic coincidence.
I just can't figure out what the message is though. Hm...
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