This blog is a bit of a depart...
I'm writing today to examine the relationships between different species (creatures, in my vernacular). I have an elderly and ailing female guinea pig, and just obtained by accident and fluke, a young male rabbit. My pig is excited and interested in the rabbit, and started following him around with much interest, and the rabbit? Not so much. Ran away from the pig at first, and then turned and bit her --twice! That was too much for the pig, and she got upset and ran for cover. Poor piggy!
The rabbit ran for cover too. Hm, not very successful.
I was hoping for a sort of friendship, I mean my pig was more than willing to extend the olive branch of curiosity. This was no '"Raising the Peaceable Kingdom: What Animals Can Teach Us about the Social Origins of Tolerance and Friendship" A book by Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson about raising animals that should be at each other's necks yet instead live in harmony. His is a pychological experiment, and mine? Arghhh....
Time will tell, let me wish!
Wow you have a bunny now! I've heard that unless they grow up together, bunnies and pigs have a hard time getting along. Much the same as pigs and pigs...as we have noticed!