To celebrate May 2-4 and get hell out of our dreary grinding work-a-day existence, we went camping with friends to Snafu Lake, about 1-1.5hrs out of Whitehorse. The road is on the road to Atlin, so pretty bumpy and not paved once you get out there.
We arrived at about 3pm and my buddies had a good campfire going. My friends themselves looked incredibly rough though, I could tell the night before had been a 'rager, despite their assurances that it was pretty chill. We cruised around the campsite, visiting others, checking out the outhouse facilites (not bad), the lake still slushy with unmelted ice and snow.
We wandered out to the 'Green Valley' which unfortunately was littered with beer cans and bottles. Disgusting! Nice view though. My partner and I vowed to come back the next day and clean up the bottles, and we did. Good karma for us.
Once night fell (12am) and the campfire raged, things started getting pretty insane. There must have been at least 50 people there, at times I had no idea where anyone I actually knew was. Most of the campsite invaders were young 'tweenagers' about 17 or so, and drunk on their own sense of incredible stupidity.
I saw, what I charitably described to a friend, 'the ugliest person in the world' who was pockmarked and riddled with tweenybopper acne pustules. That wasn't it though, it was the lip-smacking, nonsensical chewing, staggering, blinking and weaving that did it for me. I was describing this young 'man' (yeah, didn't think it was a man, but whatev') and in the middle of my description he grabbed a raw hotdog and crammed it in his mouth, turned to my friend and I and started chewing messily, chunks of cheese-filled 'dog falling from his opened maw. It was hideous. Ugliest person ever.
Oh and I was also witness to this bit of frivolity around the campfire. A large, frat-boy type was sitting in a lawn chair, drunk. His drunk 'Iago' type friend (small, weaselly and drunk) snuck behind him and pulled the chair out from under the Moose. Moose went down with a pretty big crash and it was fucking hilarious! He got mad at Iago, and chased Iago away from the fire.
Iago was not to be ignored! He snuck back and started messing with Moose's chair again, causing Moose to leap up clumsily and throw the chair at Iago. He then chased Iago around a tree, where Iago found the machete. Iago grabbed the machete and menaced Moose with it.
I was like, oh JESUS. My quick-thinking friend, Meri, hopped up and snatched it from Iago's sneaky fingers. Phew. I was picturing machete wounds all 'round the fire...
And a possible Darwin award for those two? Only time will tell! I just couldn't believe the retarded male-posturing that went on, simulated fights, yelling, boorish behaviour. Well, I had a good time until I went to bed with my partner (back of our car) and some 'wit' decided to shine a flashlight into our window at 4am, saying they were the 'cops'. Yeah, scared the fuck out of me to sense this, I banged on the window, woke my partner up, and then we calmed down.
Heard some girl screaming 'don't do this, don't do this' to a guy, who was then yelling, 'go back to your fucking camp, Atlin or whatever'.// ???
Hm. Well, with youngsters the fun or violence never stops!
And I was sober the entire time, recovering from a hangover from the night before.
Yup. That's how it went down. Worth it for sure though :)