A small shill for another good book--but for a reason-my old prof from college wrote it!
Fatal Tide: When the Race of a Lifetime Goes Wrong, a book- length dramatization of the events of the 2002 Fundy Race and the larger consequences for the international world of adventure sports.
Written by David Leach, professor and managing editor of Explore Magazine. His style is very reminiscent of Jon Krakauer, and the stories are compelling and earnest. I think these types of stories, man vs. nature, man vs. wild, man vs. himself are always relevant particularly now, when nature seems so far removed from us. Also, people are always doing dangerous sports, events. In the news today, a man died attempting to climb Mt. Everest without oxygen in the 'Danger Zone' and predictably died of hypothermia and lack of oxygen. Like Jon's protagonist in Into The Wild, he refused assistance in the form of a team member offering him oxygen when he noticed the Calgary man was in dire straits.
These kinds of warning tales never seem to stop. But they make a great read anyways...
"It was a perfect morning for a walk in the park, you had to agree. And a damn fine day for a race."
Fatal Tide, by David Leach
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