Gouge, scrape, pick, hack, scrape, gouge...OUCH.
That's pretty much how my latest dental experience went. My poor poor gums are still swollen and aching from the 'adventure'. And jesus it was painful!
I went because I was concerned about my left molars and/ or jaw area which ached something fierce one afternoon. Booked a Dr's appt, then dentist. All clear at the Dr's, so I trotted off for a 2 hr torture session at the dentist to determine the cause. I had my teeth cleaned, which was probably the most pain I have ever had at a dentist that didn't include a root canal or intense deep fillings (both of which I have had). Holy fuck!
I swear to god, I looked up and saw blood reflected on the shiny instrument of evil. In my eye it looked like those hideous hook things on the cover of Hostel, covered in blood, MY blood. I was tasting tin and swallowing it.
I flinched, squirmed and battled with my tongue. I am also proud to say I didn't start crying until the hygienist pinched my tongue tendon.
My mouth filled with blood and when I chanced a glimpse at the bib thingy, it was spattered with it. The hygienist felt bad, I felt worse. My left molar is still aching and you know what? The dentist gave me an absolute clean bill of health--I had two types of X-rays done, teeth and one for my jaw. Hmm..now why is my jaw still aching...probably from having it open for 2 hours!
$308.00 and an advil later...
Well, at least jaw arthritis isn't showing up and I don't have cavities.
That's awesome you don't have any cavities and you were a trooper!