My house, which is lovely, came with a not-so-lovely back yard. The front is nice, albeit with tons of gravel from the driveway still littering the lawn, but the back? Looks like someplace Chucky and Freddie and all those loveable horror stars would hang out, someplace near the compost container put the wrong way and the creepy ass structure with rusting railway spikes, metal bars and rusting rebar.
What to do, what to do?
Apparently much of the Yukon has yards like mine. Hideous things, with scraps of weeds struggling to survive amongst the clay dirt and gravel. My yard is approx. 70% gravel, 25% clay dirt, and 5% sand. No grass to really speak of...So people tend to give up, pack it with gravel and park boats in their yards, back or front. Tacky as hell.
So, I decided to focus on what I *can* change. I have raised planters, so my friends who are wonderful and competent gardeners came over to assist me with my yard renovations.
I planted lettuce, peppermint, potatoes and a strawberry plant! We fixed up the planters and even attempted a bit of gardening where the humongous propane tank lurks...yeah, try beautifying that!! We got the seed potatoes from Cdn. Tire, and a note to those starting seedlings-do NOT buy from Cdn Tire. Go to the big Sunflower place by the church on the Alaska Hwy. Cdn Tire seeds will not sprout.
As for the yard? Got some helpful ideas, like a bunch of cedar mulch covering everything, perhaps a small wishing well to hide the ugly drainage hole..maybe some camouflage fencing for the propane tank and plant camouflage for Chucky's playhouse of horror.
Just have to get rid of those spikes & rebar...eeeesh.
Sun is now going down after 11...and I am having a really tough time sleeping! Ack!
Ps. that change I was yearning for? Might be coming. Soon!!~
you don't like dirt?