Monday, December 7, 2009


So I'm back in the frigid north, and man it is a cruel awakening.

I would like it here if it just.weren' !!! Otherwise, my job is still ok, my house is still standing due to the care of a dear friend, and my rabbit is still giving me the cold shoulder. He was hopping around last night, visiting with my suitcase and packing stuff, and then spent the entire night sitting behind a chair, like a malevolent shadow. I seriously couldn't find him because I thought his grey shape was a shadow. Haha.

It's dark when I go to work and dark when I leave. Argh. I am trying to stave off the impending madness by being incredibly busy, and so far (day 3 of being back) it is sort of working. Well, the holidays are coming, I have 5 major papers to write, so what are my excuses?

It's supposed to be -25/-30 this weekend. Jeebus save us.

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