Monday, December 21, 2009

Better You Than Me

Happy Holidays! Blog is on a bit of a hiatus due to the following: HOLIDAY TO COSTA RICA!!!

Major essay worth 45%

Three upcoming articles to write.

But most importantly--no internet access during holidays except to write aforementioned essay! Woo hoo!!

In other news, it is absolutely beastly outside. How does a mind-numbing -30 something suit you? Yeah, it blows. And it seems to have a numbing effect on people's already-feeble brains. I had two ''parking so close I had to sideways-limbo-squeeze into my frickin drivers side'' incidents, one right after another, this morning. In one of them the wingbat morons were IN THEIR CAR STILL RUNNING and observed me trying to squeeze myself into my car. For good measure, I hit their minivan with my arm a few times, and then banged it with my car door. Take that, too-close morons!

It felt pretty good, you know, with the cold biting my face off and then the added injustice of not being able to squash myself into my car. So, be forewarned. If you insist on sitting in your running car watching me attempting to get into mine because you parked stupidly close, I will conduct some sort of angry damage.

I also gave them the serious evil-eye when I was walking by, and when all you can see are my eyes, they are very, very evil.

Ah, I need a holiday. This just slams the lid on it!

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