Friday, December 18, 2009

Something's Still Gone Wrong

I read the Globe & Mail on a daily basis, and follow stories of domestic abuse regularly, as they are sadly common. The problem is that they are under-represented in almost every form of media, and violence against women is glamourized. I feel that we haven't done enough if partners committing violence still get away with it, and it's still handled as a 'private affair' or some such nonsense.

Even commentaries on news stories tells a terrible tale--men believe themselves to be the victims, and that women ask for it or instigate or cause it. Any way you slice it, women are the problem and men are the helpless, if stronger and more violent, ''victims''. Even when women lash out and murder in self-defence they are still charged more stringently than men who kill their partners. When women refuse to leave abusive partners or protect them, this is used to show how they were never 'really' abused anyways.

This disregards the tormented psyche of abused women, and how it can warp a sense of safety. Many times women do not leave because of threats against their families and friends, not because they love their abusers.

See below comment on a particularly terrible case of domestic abuse: The husband murdered his entire family, and this commentator feels the need to step on his ridiculous high horse and lambaste women for 'causing most of the problems.' Riiiiight.

In 2007, police across Canada dealt with more than 40,000 incidents of spousal violence – an estimated one-third of the actual number of incidents,=================

Actually its closer to two-thirds with men predominately the non-reporters. Manly because there are no programs to help male battered spouses, far from help as many will say.Ending Violence Association appears more to wish to end a mans ability to defend against spousal assault. With equality the catch phrase of the day why, or how, could they ask for the whole $47M when there isn`t a single safe house or program or government agency that will help male victims.

As the majority of DV is started by the women {emphasis mine. WTF} I can`t imagine the lions share not going to defend the largest group of victims that have nothing as it currently stands.Seems this must be something other than ending violence.

Sure it is. This is exactly the prevailing attitude that gets families and women murdered in their homes by men they know and loved at some point. This is still why equality is a foreign concept.

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