Advertising hasn't really changed much--except for the obvious smoking ones. Smoking is bad for you, haven't you heard?
A lot that hasn't changed holds a staunch anti-women view, and is often blatantly misogynistic. As my friend put it, the difference is that today's advertising that preys upon women's insecurities is fluffed up, prettied. It's 'because you're worth it' or ' all your friends do!' or 'lose the weight, gain confidence with the Acaii berry diet, Hydroxycut, Ephedra' when in reality it's all snake oil designed to make women slaves to men/their bodies.
Worried about weight? Feminine 'odors'? Oh, there's a parasitic pill for that, and some bleach that'll help that smell. Now men will love you, but only if you alter yourself in some way first--you're worthless without our products.
Next to come...how today's advertising compares!
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