It might surprise some people, but it's cranberry time already! We have been casually picking, not intently yet, and we've already gotten enough to make some awesome cranberry muffins.
The trick with cranberries is that conventional wisdom says to pick after a frost, but you don't have to--just check on the ground in any wooded area and you are pretty much sure to find ripe ones. I have found that mossy, treed areas that get little sun seem to have the ripest ones. The sunny areas have ones that are still barely turning red/pink.
Some good cranberry recipes; my favourite are cranberry muffins and cranberry truffles--think of the niche appeal, 'hand-picked!'
I like this one, even though the truffles never hardened and I had to keep them in the freezer!
Don't worry. the first frost isn't far away - it's frickin' cold! Good grief...