I have discovered a very interesting new drink: the can of Chelada.
I googled and as it turns out the 'traditional' Chelada is beer, salt and lime mixed together. The Chelada I had was from a can, courtesy of Bud Light and Clamato. So my version, for review's sake, is really a 'Michelada' which is tomato/beer/sort of like a beer Bloody Mary or Caesar.
It was huge, contents of can equaled to 2 beer. The tast was, well, quite strange but in a good way. If you are a fan of Clamato, then this is the beer for you! It is Bud Light, Clamato, lime and salt. The only problem I had was the sheer size, and after drinking it everything tasted to me like it had Clamato, and I was drinking Coronas and Miller Light...so yeah. But worth it.
For a can, you're running at $3.25 which is a pretty good deal. Go ahead, try out some of these bizarro beer cocktails-you might just like 'em!