Whitehorse is one of the most retarded places in regards to parking, parking limits, parking lots, tourist parking, over-limit parking and parking tickets.
Many office buildings have either no parking or 2-hr limit parking in front for their loyal employees and customers, who either have to run out to move their cars, pay for parking or park in the boonies. It gets very cold here in the winter. This is not a big city, hell, I don't think it qualifies as a city at all.
There are no indoor malls, no real boutiques, nothing save a semi-decent Main St. The bylaw officers are crazy parking Nazi's. Cue reminscing about times you just barely escaped without a ticket-or unfairly got one. I'll share mine...
I parked at a meter that had expired so I could run to the bank 10 steps away, deposit a cheque into the bank machine and run back. There was no lineup at the bank, nothing to waste my time. As I ran back, a bylaw officer was writing me a ticket. I was gone for 1.30 minutes.
Oh, but the expired-meter tickets only cost you $10 if you pay the next day. Heaven help you if you park at a 2hr only spot and exceed it by 10 minutes, which I did today. I got to my car after 15 minutes over and I had a nice $25 ticket. They must hound those areas like crazy, because they are the city's cash cows.
I think Whitehorse the one-horse backwaters town could learn a little something from Anchorage, Alaska. Free parking downtown on weekends? Sure! C'mon down! And their city is pretty much 100x bigger than Whitehorse. Give me a break. Dumbasses.
Show a little leniency and trust me, people appreciate it. Hear that Anchorage? I like you!
Parking meters begone! I banish you...