As a depart from the ordinary...(yeah, what exactly is ordinary about this blog, but whatever..)
A book review courtesy of yours truly, reading a book from the local library. Book of the moment is He's a Stud, She's a Slut, and 49 Other Double Standards Every Woman Should Know by Jessica Valenti.
Awesome book and super easy read. Cotton-candy simple, with bright orange and yellow stripes decorating this little pocketbook, kind of mocks the covers of current chick-lit fame (Shopaholic anyone?) but with a mega dose of sarcasm and cleverness.
As a third+ wave feminist, I loved this book. It takes all these puzzling little inconsistencies about a woman's life and deconstructs them with plenty of gratuitous profanity. Why the fuck not?
Chapters include why women pay more for health insurance and 'certain' prescriptions, why we feel the need to shave off everything, why women are preferred to be 'quiet' and are considered loud harpies whenever we voice our opinions, why the worse insult to a man is to be considered a woman, or pussy-whipped. Fascinating stuff.
Starting with the classic He's a Stud, She's a Slut and working her way down to He's Gonna be a Success, She's Gonna be a Stay-At-Home-Mom, Valenti deconstructs why we accept these things, why they happen and what you should consider...not radically changing your hairstyle/lifestyle/hating men, but little everyday things. Ie, why do we hate the Hiltons/Lohan's of the world so much? Why are we so happy to see them fail? Would we feel that gratified if it was a male celeb. fucking up in public so badly?
Hmmm. One that hit close to home, she brought up taking your husband's name. As one who is somewhat attached, there is no way in hell I would ever take a man's name over mine. I like MY name. Thanks. However, the male is ever so welcome to take mine...I understand if it's not appealing, everyone likes their own names, except women who take their husband's name because it is that great rock of TRADITION and god knows their children will all be bastards if they refuse. pfft. I hate kids anyways.
She asks a great question; why is it women always seem to hate their last names and not men?
Did you bring that book back?? I was in the library yesterday and someone failed to mention a gem like that to me...I shall go again today!