Monday, April 27, 2009


Despite the disasterous hit newspapers, radios and their ilk have taken this past year, Whitehorse media seems to be in 'ok' form. (Except CKRW, those people are asshats. Not the worker ants, but those above them. assholes)

We have...drumroll please...

Whitehorse Star: Very politically inclined, comes out more often than the Yukon News but with way less content. Available every weekday after 3pm I believe. Rather flimsy on days the Yukon News doesn't publish, also has a lot of wire content. I did meet with one of their reporters and I liked her, so thumbs up Star! (Even though sometimes people consider you the lesser of the are still ok in my books)

Yukon News: Easy to read, easy to contact. Has a bit more insightful news, doesn't really seem to pander to the politics of the town that much. Don't really like their headwaters writer article, but the sort of 'roughing it while maintaining my government job lifestyle' really seems to appeal up here, so whatever. Great classifieds and limited wire news.

What's Up Yukon: Kind of like our Monday Magazine or Georgia Strait but without edge. Good to look for upcoming events, articles are interesting and enjoyable but far too long, in my opinion. Also, they have a column of a woman in Quebec who used to live in Whitehorse who talks about things like the Depanneur where you can, gasp, buy beer! OMG! As well as little silly things like the bags of flyers QC residents get every week or so on their doorsteps--don't you know those are wasted? Oh the horror. Useless article.

There are magazines (Yellowknife's UpHere, Whitehorse's North of Ordinary) as well.