Friday, December 3, 2010

Picky eaters=disordered?

In a break from my current moping, I found an article that links picky eating or historically picky eating to eating disorders.

Now, I think picky eating is different from restricted eating, due to gluten allergies or a host of other allergies (I have some allergies and yes, they do mildly restrict what I eat ...not enough to stop me from eating everything though!). From what I'm seeing, picky eating is primarily a first-world problem-obviously-and picky eaters predominantly love and/or require solely food that is bad for you, ie- junk food, fast food. They hate vegetables, fruit, whole grains, etc. They love overprocessed junk food; doughnuts, fries, hamburgers, grilled cheese sandwiches, pop-tarts, eggos, etc.

Now, my question is; if picky eating is an eating disorder, why does it take the form of ridiculously juvenile eating patterns? Afraid of vegetables? Hates fruit? WTF how does this mean eating disorder? And why do they *only* eat the greasy, fatty, sugar-laden junk foods that children like. And how does a person pick up this silly, childlike eating habit?

I admit, it would be nice to eat junk food all the time, but at a certain point, don't they feel like they're going to get rickets or scurvy? Jeebus, I feel terrible after a weekend chocolate binge. I also hate to say it, but my respect for people that refuse to eat anything adventurous or are 'afraid' to eat veggies/fruit totally dwindles to nothing. Grow up. Do you think other countries (save Americans, where this is most likely rampant) have this issue?

We're adults here, so get a life and learn to eat well. You don't have to eat bugs or fried scorpions or anything weird-but if we go out to dinner and you turn up your nose at stir-fries or currys or anything 'different' and order chicken tenders with fries, I'm not going to be impressed.

I have a friend who refuses to eat pasta with anything but red sauce, who threw out a doughnut because it was contaminated with powdered sugar from brushing next to another powdered-sugar doughnut (it was chocolate glazed), and who thought grain was a vegetable. It isn't. Trust me, that's also how many vegetables she ate (pasta).

Sidenote: People tend to get really annoyed with restrictive eaters (allergies) b/c they are an inconvenience, but the only annoyances I actually agree with are the 'holier than thou' types who give you the stare-down if they are eating tempeh and you are eating steak. Really people? Can't we all get along? (except those with baby-food tastes. Puh-leeze. Put down the McNuggets and grow up.)

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