(Not me in the pix...some dumb kid. You think I'd reveal that much on this blog? Ha)
Well this is a lucky week, isn't it? First the Lippizanners come to town, and the same week it's the horse show!
(Make that the one (1) horse show that Whitehorse has all year). Nevermind that they have show grounds designated for it, and want new show grounds for the single horse show. Ohh a small town...Couldn't they even have a small show series? Like a hunter/jumper series? Or dressage? Jeeze.
Thursday is the breed/halter/showmanship classes with gymnkhana games finishing it off, along with the competitor's social-potluck at 7pm on the showgrounds. I went to practice yesterday and the conditions were terrible. The wind was driving at like 100km/hr and dust was blowing all over the place, and the ring was incredibly dusty. My horse is afraid of plastic bags and guess what they have over the loudspeakers? Garbage bags flapping while the wind is blowing them madly and the loudspeaker is booming and popping. It was a nightmare!
I rode for 10 minutes, fighting my pansy horse the entire time. I finally got off when the wind didn't let up, and the announcer was yelling 'test' over and over, freaking the horses out. ARghh...
Good omen for the horse show? I think not...I am also jumping a course with two horses who have never jumped a course before, and it is questionable whether they have ever jumped verticals even. I might scratch them...
Friday is dressage/jumpers. Saturday is my time to shine! The hacks, equitation classes and hunter/eq. over fences. Then the gala even at 7pm with a bbq.
Sunday I am riding in the matched pairs class, so should be very low stress. Whew. Also it is western show day, with reining and horsemanship classes.
Overall the show should be verrry interesting! I hope it is fun at least and not insanely dusty and crazy windy, jeebus it has been AWFUL lately.
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