Drumroll please...Fail My Life- My Edition!
At the horse show, the judge told me my horse didn't deserve any carrots because she was just plain naughty-and she even placed us 3rd in the previous class- FML
Instead of getting the IT guy to fix her computer, my b**** boss decided to just email me everything and have me print from my computer and run it to her. FML
Everyone thinks I am moving. It's a handy excuse, even when I WAS going to move. I haven't dissuaded them of that notion yet- FML
All of the websites/stories I enjoy happen to be a certain flavour of schadenfreude-FML
My dear bunny still isn't very affectionate or cuddly and won't take treats from my hand-FML
I work out at lunch because I have no idea how to fill the time-FML
I love writing but I am definitely a sloppy writer-FML
I have a lot of secret nemesii, they just don't know it!-FML
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