Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Taking the plunge

So, earlier this spring I mentioned that I was dithering back and forth about this horse I was going to buy. Well, after backing out at the last second I pretty much consigned myself to remaining horse-less in the Yukon.

Let's face it: the horse situation up here just isn't what I want. People like it and they love saddling up and trail riding to their heart's content, but that just isn't me. I enjoy a good trail ride once a week or so, but when your horse is going lame becuase she needs shoes to deal with the rock-hard ground, sour as fuck about cantering because of the endless kiddie rides, and you never have anyone to ride with (adult) in a slippery, rock hard outdoor ring? Yeah, I am taking a sabbatical from *that* situation.

It's just no fun. I am too competitive to endlessly wander down life-threating trails, to be frightened by the crazy crap that pops up here. I want to jump, lesson with a GOOD trainer, have a decent ring to jump in, ride with adults who are nice, ride my own horse and go to horse shows in the summer. Apparently here that is just too much to ask.

So, I backed out of my previous potential horse. And promptly found a new one.

He's not perfect. He's actually a total jerk, can be difficult to handle and likes to try a few tricks to get you off when you're riding and scared.

He has a big buck/crow hop thing that he pulled with me, while I was riding without stirrups! I stayed on. He is also a pony...Not that scary, haha.

His owner says he needs someone to 'kick his butt in gear' and you know? I'm that someone.

I can handle attitude on a pony. I can't handle nasty on a bigger horse. He doesn't bite, but does pitch hissy fits--hence the handling with a chain. He's also very talented, and an incredible jumper. I did a cross rail and he popped me out of the saddle, a remarkable bascule. He also has a slow and easy to sit canter, it is just gorgeous. His trot is lousy, but ahh you can't win 'em all.

He's cute, a bit evil but I think we will make a good partnership. I am signing papers this week--a pony for my birthday! Who would have thought of it!!

(I also wish I had photos, but for some reason, my darling husband took closeups of my butt and thighs instead of the horse. GRrrrrr)

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