It felt nice to apologize and then have the other person say, no it's my fault. I'm the one who changed things at the last minute/altered our already-agreed upon final draft, etc.
I was used to apologizing and then having the evil person in command huff and say, yes that's right, you be sorry! (Perhaps not so crudely, but pretty damn close) and treat me like the dirt and road salt you curse as you scrape off the bottom of your pants. It's nice to be treated like a human being. Imagine, you are in an office with 5 other people--in other words, small. The boss and the manager are the only ones early into the office one morning, and the boss says, 'looks like it's just you and me today' and the office manager says 'well, what about Susan and office monkey #2?' And the boss just says, oh, them. Yes, them is right. They don't count. Bastards. I never apologized without feeling like I was debasing myself for a measly wage. Oh, and cursing them vehemently behind their backs. Ha. ha. ha....
So, in my pre-empted apology, I am not the bad guy. Work is not personal, it is work. We do our jobs (well?) and we go home.
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