Tuesday, February 9, 2010

When Things Start Splitting at the Seams...

Bit of a whine post coming up, sorry!

Sometimes it feels like the world's your oyster, you can devour it in one bite and be ever stronger for it. Nothing is crumbling down around you, everything rocks.

Sadly, this feeling is extremely fleeting and this is something I am struggling with at the moment. I'm that person with the oyster in my palm. Things are going smashingly career-wise, I'm clawing my way to top (well, middle) of where I want my career to go. I am flying out on a press junket to watch Yukon day at the Olympics, and this is only for my journalism fly-by-night freelancing. Oh, things are golden, just golden.

And then...Jaws musics lurks...

I find out a relative of mine has cancer, and that this sort of cancer is starting to look suspiciously like it runs in the family, seriously affecting female family members.


Family blowout, I'm not one to air dirty laundry online except if it pertains to my favourite assholes, like Lister, CKRW or old horrible job, but it's getting very dramatic, and I do not want to be involved. I am a helpful ear, not therapy. Particularly when it's your parents who are putting you in the uncomfortable and extremely unenviable middle of things. I love them both, and that's why it's so difficult. Distance also adds a troubling dimension.

Things are increasingly complicated, but I can't complain. I can deal.

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