Just saw it the other day, and like today when I saw my first 'actually jaundiced' person, it was a shock to the senses, a bit of a horror, and very badass.
Now, the jaundiced person was just interesting, kind of yellowed around the edges, vaguely red eyes, clutching a cigarette and coughing lungs out.
Zombieland on the other hand, was a splatter-guts gore hilarious. Man, who knew cutesy 'Little Miss Sunshine' Abilgail Breslin was so funny? New fan right here. This is a huge spoof on all these new vampire and zombie movies, but with the addition of Woody Harrelson and a fine zombie cameo by the big guy Bill Murray, it couldn't go wrong.
There are some touching parts, like Harrelson's son he first referrs to as a 'puppy' he lost in the great zombie apocalypse, but is actually his child. Also touching is the extreme nerdom of star Jesse Eisenberg, rivalled only by Michael
Cera for king of the adorable dorks. His greatest romantic dream is being able to tuck a girl's hair behind her ear while she sleeps. This goes very wrong when he does that, wakes up to find said girl has turned extremely carnivorous--for him!
I also like that they keep anonymous, so Woody's name is his destination-Tallahassee. Jesse is Ohio and the two scammer girls are Witchitaw and Little Rock. It's cute and it works. Oh and Tallahassee has an obession with Twinkies and destroying shit.
What have you got left to lose when you've already lost it all? Absolutely nothing.
Enjoy the show, it's gore-riffic!
very gore-iffic. "self-aware without being self-involved", plain ol' zombie blasting hilarity!